Saturday, July 25, 2009

Long absence

Well…I guess one of the things I feared would happen, happened !
I wrote a post a day for a week or so, then stopped…
I guess there are a number of reasons for it

1. I genuinely have been unbelievably busy at work over the last month or so…it’s a horrible, horrible excuse to hide behind, but I do most of my web surfing/blog reading at lunchtimes etc and I simply haven’t had time to catch up with other blogs AND write my own

2. My rl friends found out I had a blog, and left some “amusing” comments that needed deleting…and I figured if they think I’ve stopped, they might stop looking

Anyway, a friend and guildmate Larisa gave me a kick up the ass while we were chatting the other night, so I decided that I’d better get my act together and write something….

Maybe I can keep going this time !